23 august 2010

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Prin aceasta postare va voi arata non-membrilor dar si membrilor cum pot obtine 500 coins si o carte de tinut in mana.Pentru inceput va trebuie sa accesati ruamtorul buton chiar inaitne sa dupa ce v-ati logat in coltul din dreapta sus a ecranului.Dupa ce v-ati logat cu pinguinul vostru, Dati click pe "I have a book"Dupa aceea vor aparea niste carti.veti rapsunde cu raspunsuri la niste intrebari.
Prima carte, The Ultimate Guide Oficial to Club Penguin:

Q: What is the word on page 9?
A: Sometimes

Q: What is the word on page 35?
A: Misses

Q: What is the word on page 38?
A: Scavenger

Q: What is the word on page 40?
A: Examples

Q: What is the word on page 62?
A: Picture

Q: What is the word on page 63?
A: How

Q: What is the word on page 64?
A: Fishing

Q: What is the word on page 65?
A: Storage

Q: What is the word on page 73?
A: Search

Q: What is the word on page 75?
A: Tossing

Q: What is the word on page 77?
A: Buying

Q: What is the word on page 101?
A: Donated

Q: What is the word on page 117?
A: Jerseys

Q: What is the word on page 118?
A: Squads

Q: What is the word on page 140?
A: Breeze

Q: What is the word on page 141?
A: Combined

Q: What is the word on page 143?
A: Secret

Q: What is the word on page 155?
A: Queen

Q: What is the word on page 156?
A: Small

Q: What is the word on page 169?
A: Start

Q: What is the word on page 171?
A: Annual

Q: What is the word on page 175?
A: Crown

Q: What is the word on page 176?
A: Item

Q: What is the word on page 179?
A: Penguins

Q: What is the word on page 182?
A: Actions

Dupa ce ati deblocat prima carte dati click pe a doua.Si din nou va trebuie sa raspundeti la una ditnre urmatoarele itnrebari.Daca nu gasiti raspunsul, dati pe back si reveniti la carte.Uitati codurile:

Q: What is the word on page 6?
A: Mysterious

Q: What is the word on page 7?
A: Rockhopper

Q: What is the word on page 21?
A: Migrator

Q: What is the word on page 25?
A: Yarr

Q: What is the word on page 40?
A: Waterfall

Q: What is the word on page 52?
A: Deck

Q: What is the word on page 80?
A: Penguin

Q: What is the word on page 177?
A: Puffle

Dupa ce ati deblocat si aceasta carte mergeti la a treia.Procedati la fel pana o deblocati.Uitati raspunsurile:

Q: What word is on page 5, 5 words from the left on line 10?
A: Good

Q: What word is on page 5, 4 words from the left on line 3?
A: Board

Q: What word is on page 6, 5 words from the left on line 17?
A: Plans

Q: What word is on page 6, 7 words from the left on line 14?
A: Extreme

Q: What word is on page 7, 2 words from the left on line 12?
A: Find

Q: What word is on page 7, 7 words from the left on line 17?
A: Where

Q: What word is on page 8, 7 words from the left on line 4?
A: Round

Dupa ce ati deblocat si aceasta carte da-ti pe sageata si da-ti click pe prima carte din cele 3 aparute.Procedati la fel ca la celalte.Uitati raspunsurile:

Q: What word is on page 5, 6 words from the left on line 9?
A: Give

Q: What word is on page 5, 3 words from the left on line 5?
A: Fashions

Q: What word is on page 5, 4 words from the left on line 18?
A: Decides

Q: What word is on page 5, 4 words from the left on line 2?
A: Matter

Urmeaza urmatoarea carte:

Q. What word is on page 6, 5 words from the left on line 5?
A. Printed

Q. What word is on page 7, 6 words from the left on line 12?
A. Staff

Q. What word is on page 5, 5 words from the left on line 7?
A. Inside

Urmatorea...adica a 6-a:

Q. What word is on page 3, 5 words from the left on line 14?
A. Flipper

Q. What word is on page 3, 2 words from the left of line 12?
A. Acting

Q. What word is on page 3, 5 words from the left of line 3?
A. Bright

Q. What word is on page 3, 7 words from the left on line 5?
A. Show

A 7-a carte si ultima:

Q: What word is on page 8, 2 words from the left on line 8?
A: Realize

Q: What word is on page 11 2 words from the left on line 2?
A: Notice

Q: What word is on page 73, 5 words from the left on line 11?
A: Lurches

Q: What word is on page 61, 5 words from the left on line 9?
A: Bouncing

Q: What word is on page 76, 5 words from the left, on line 13
A: Nervous

Q: What word is on page 9, 9 words from the left, on line 12
A: Workshop

Q: What word is on page 18, 6 words from the left on line 3?
A: Inside

Q: What word is on page 42, 5 words from the left on line 16?
A: Four

Q: What word is on page 56, 5 words from the left on line 18:
A: Possible

Q: What word is on page 52, 5 words from the left on line 17:
A: Mission

Q: What is the word on page 26, 10 words from the left on line 8?
A: Great

Q: What is the word on page 43, 2 words from the left on line 5?
A: Snowballs

Q: What is the word on page 76, 5 words from the left on line 8?
A: Will

Q: What is the word on page 33, 10 words from the left on line 18?
A: Puffle

Tocmai a aparut cartea The Awsome Oficial Guide to ClubPenguin and I will give you the answers to unlock it!

Q: What is the 1st word on page 8 on line 4?

A: Location

Q: What is the 2nd word on page 11 on line 3?

A: Penguin

Q: What is the 2nd word on page 14 on line 14?

A: Circle

Q: What is the 6th word on page 17 on line 10?

A: Igloo

Q: What is the 2nd word on 26 page on line 17?

A: Interested

Q: What is the 8th word on page 39 on line 19?

A: Free

Q: What is the 5th word on page 58 on line 4?

A: Fourth

Q: What is the 6th word on page 65 on line 3?

A: Tricky

Q: What is the 5th word on page 125 on line 3?

A: Guitar

Q: What is the 6th word on page 131 on line 3?

A: Beside

Q: What is the 2nd word on page 131 on line 11?

A: An

Q: What is the 4th word on page 144 on line 4?

A: Fashion

Q: What is the 7th word on page 155 on line 2?

A: Rock

Q: What is the 2nd word on page 184 on line 1?

A: Greatest

Q: What is the 5th word on page 192 on line 6?

A: Placed

Q: What is the 2nd word on page 196 on line 16?

A: Loves

Q: What is the 2nd word on page 198 on line 18?

A: Decorate

Q: What is the 3rd word on page 202 on line 16?

A: Access

Q: What is the 9th word on page 202 on line 2?

A: Suddenly

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EXCLUSIV:Primul Trainer Roman!

Exclusiv!Pe data de 9 Aprilie 2010 a fost cret primul TRAINER in limba ROMANA!Dupa ce a trecut de toate testele pentru a nu fi banat, primul si unicul trainer roman poate fi downloadat de pe: http://www.plunder.com/Club-Penguin-Magic-exe-download-249e652c5b.htm ATENTIE:dupa cum vedeti in urmatore imagine este locul unde ajungeti dupa ce dati click pe link.Pentru ak downloada apasati pe butonul Download, dar NU pe cel de sus ci pe cel de jos, incercuit de mine! Spor la smecherii pe trainerul nostru, Magic Penguin sau Club Penguin Magic -Smackdown, www.vgholban-ro.blogspot.com