Noi Coduri de carti!
Banuiesc cum stiti sa deblocati o carte.Inainte sa va logati sau cand trebuie sa alegeti serverul, dati click pe "Unlock Items Online si Alegeti I have a book.De acolo alegeti aceasta carte dupa care, va trebuie sa raspundeti la unele ditnre urmatoarele intrebari..Q=Intrebare, A=Raspuns.
Q: What is the 1st word on page 8 on line 4?
A: Location
Q: What is the 2nd word on page 11 on line 3?
A: Penguin
Q: What is the 2nd word on page 14 on line 14?
A: Circle
Q: What is the 6th word on page 17 on line 10?
A: Igloo
Q: What is the 2nd word on 26 page on line 17?
A: Interested
Q: What is the 8th word on page 39 on line 19?
A: Free
Q: What is the 5th word on page 58 on line 4?
A: Fourth
Q: What is the 6th word on page 65 on line 3?
A: Tricky
Q: What is the 5th word on page 125 on line 3?
A: Guitar
Q: What is the 6th word on page 131 on line 3?
A: Beside
Q: What is the 2nd word on page 131 on line 11?
A: An
Q: What is the 4th word on page 144 on line 4?
A: Fashion
Q: What is the 7th word on page 155 on line 2?
A: Rock
Q: What is the 2nd word on page 184 on line 1?
A: Greatest
Q: What is the 5th word on page 192 on line 6?
A: Placed
Q: What is the 2nd word on page 196 on line 16?
A: Loves
Q: What is the 2nd word on page 198 on line 18?
A: Decorate
Q: What is the 3rd word on page 202 on line 16?
A: Access
Q: What is the 9th word on page 202 on line 2?
A: Suddenly
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- Club Penguin field-ops #12
- Noi timbre!!
- Rockhopper, tot mai aproape
- Echipa galbena!
- Happy77 vorbeste despre Nintento Wii Club Penguin
- Art for Haiti, CASTIGATORUL!
- Noi Coduri de carti!
- Noul Pin!
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- Fall Fair Se apropie!
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- Art for Haiti:Finals!
- Noile Teleportatoare
- Big Error!
- Art for Haiti, Mare ajutor!
- Nou film la EPF Command Room!
- New Elite Gear!!!
- Field-Op 11
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- Field-Ops #10
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